Pastor Kingsley Palmer

Since Elder Mike and Denise Johnson and the team arrived at the Sparks Church in mid January a remarkable change has begun to make its presence felt as members have become energized for ministry in ways I have not seen in a long time.  What precipitated this was the arrival of Mike and Denise 2 months before to conduct a week of prayer and revival that set in motion what was to follow at our church.
End Times Like These took the time to carefully and methodically lay on the hearts of the members the importance of using their gifts and energies for soul winning. The training workshops were vibrant, well presented and were full of practical ways to reach people for God's kingdom. I was particularly impressed with the teams balanced use of the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy which underpinned its effectiveness and inspired the members to respond.
To date every week we have reports and testimonies of what each ministry team is doing, since January the church has begun to connect with the local community doing such things as a ladies exercise and fitness ministry, a narcotics anonymous and co-dependency ministry, Life-line stroke prevention program, Breathe Free Stop Smoking Seminars. We have witnessed greater interest among our younger children wanting to study the bible through the VOP Kidz Zone Bible Studies and have almost 10 children signed up.    
I have seen a renewed interest among the members to re-acquaint themselves with the 3 Angels messages of Revelation 14 and each week one of our Elders does a DVD series called total onslaught with Dr, Walter Vieth from South Africa which deals with last day prophetic events.  In light of what is going on in this country and elsewhere with the plethora of natural and unprecedented and economic disasters there is greater sense among my members that the Lord is wrapping things up and Jesus is about to about to return real soon.
I am more than happy to report that since November Sparks has witnessed a significant increase of people coming forward and asking for baptismal studies and being baptized. So far just from November 2007 - May 2008 I have had the joy baptizing some 18 precious souls and more a being prepared for the future. Believe me when I tell you I could say much more but that testimony is for another time. 
I want to say thank God for the End Times Like These lay ministry team. You guys are one tight and well organized outfit who stand behind and work with churches helping them recognize their strengths and use them to do effective local ministry.  
May God continue to bless and prosper the work you do till Jesus comes.
Submitted by 

Kingsley O. Palmer
Senior Pastor, Sparks Seventh-Day Church, Sparks Nevada

Pastor Albert Dyson
"First let say to those who have not had the blessing of working with the 'End Times Ministry Team' of Michael & Denise Johnson and all their team members, it was and is one of the most tremendous ministry tools that God uses  to enhance His kingdom.  The well planned training & strategic outreach methods have been the key to reaching the Watts in Los Angeles community, where we have seen a church grow from 5 to 45 in attendance in 2009.  In my 27 years of pastoring the union with 'End Times' has been the most rewarding experience in reaching the depressed inner city and proclaiming the good news of the Gospel that brings them hope. So I salute and give God praise for 'End Times like These' Ministries. 

Copyright 2008 by End Times Like These Ministries
Pastor Jeff Rosenthal
Dear Elder Johnson,
As a Senior Pastor one of my desires is to equip the body of Christ for ministry according to Matthew 28:19-20.  The training that my members received from End Times Like These Ministries was a real blessing to those who chose to take the training.
The instruction they received in how to give and lead Bible Studies, how to visit interests and  discipling of interests is what any Pastor would want in the equipping of the body of Christ.  I believe so much in your training that I invited two of my members to consider becoming Church Bible Workers because I was so impressed with what they learned.  Today, as a result, my Church Bible Workers visit and study with people, and they also help to train and equip others for the wonderful privilege of ministry and service in God's church.  Thank you for the training you offer that results in incredible blessings to God's church spiritually and numerically.

Your Brother in Christ,
Pastor Jeff Rosenthal

Pastor Richardson Honore'
On April 4, 2009, I walked into sanctuary of the Antelope Valley SDA Church. The church was transformed into a boot camp.  My members looked like soldiers who were being trained for war against the gates of hell and to set the captives free in Jesus' name.  The Endtimes team looked like generals who were preparing the troops for spiritual battle.  The Endtimes Like These training has transformed the atmosphere of my church regarding evangelism. My church will never be the same again.  Thank you Endtimes for your commitment and dedication towards equipping our churches for soul winning,  THE REASON WE EXIST.  

Richardson Honoré
Antelope Valley/Hidden Treasures, Now Pastoring the Altadena SDA Church
The Maranatha church was blessed to have End Times Like These Ministries provide evangelistic training.  We were taken through seven sessions that emphasized the importance of evangelism, the biblical mandate for evangelism, and the how-to of evangelism.  Each session provided time for practical application.  At Maranatha, we encourage personal evangelism with a goal that challenges every member to win one soul for Christ.  On a monthly basis we go door-to-door in our community through an outreach effort called perimeter evangelism.  The training we received through End Times Like These Ministries have helped with both of our evangelism focuses.  There is a new level of confidence for doing public evangelism at Maranatha.   We thank End Times Like These Ministries for being an instrumental part in building that confidence.

Marvin Hugley

Pastor Marvin Hugley
Every church I have pastored End Times Like These has been a vital part of helping us formulate our outreach structure.  They provide the local church with a wealth of ministry resources that enables them to make evangelism their year around focus and provide effective ministries for its community.  I have witnessed first hand the positive effect that that End Time's Evangelistic Center set up, Bible Instructor training, and many of their other programs can have on a church.   I highly recommend End Times to every church.  Moreover, I have been blessed by the personal relationship I have formed with Mike and Denise.  They are dedicated, committed individuals whose love for God has been apparent in every interaction and conversation I have had with them.  I'm honored not only to have them as partners in ministry, but as friends.
Pastor Loren R. Hodnett
Pastor, Fifty-Fourth Street Seventh-day Adventist Church

Pastor Loren Hodnett
End Times Like These Ministries is a Spirit-filled resource for training laity to share their faith for Jesus Christ.

End Times Like These Ministries has been instrumental in training hundreds of lay members in the LA Metro Region. 

Several of our churches now have lay people involved in active Bible studies for Jesus. 

We would recommend the training ministry of End Times Like These Ministries to any church wanting to activate and motivate their members for service.  

Gerard Kiemeney, LA Metro Region Director

Pastor Gerard Kiemeney
Pastor Kendall White
Dear Elder Johnson, I am writing to express our deepest appreciation to you for sharing the Word of God with us at our church services on May 5 - 9. 

It was such a blessing to have you as our guest. I speak for our entire church family when I say how moved we were to hear your message! Many people have personally mentioned to me that they were very touched by your words and ministry. 

Please accept my sincere gratitude on behalf of all of our brothers and sisters in Christ. We would be more than happy to have you and your ministry family join us again for fellowship at any time. Additionally, if I can ever be any assistance to you in the future, please do not hesitate to call me. 

Thank you again, my friend.  

Yours in Christ, 
Pastor Kendall L. White

High Desert SDA Church
Endorsed by the Southern California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

        A Lay Ministry of the Regional Office of                         African American Affairs of the                             Pacific Union Conference of             Seventh-day Adventists

More Testimonies to Come!